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verylazy garlic.png

For Michelin Mums

VL Logo.png
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Relatable, vibrant brand personalities thrive in the Seasonings and Condiments market. However, emotional customer understanding has been lacking in Very Lazy’s communications, with product benefits not developed beyond efficiency and ease making communications feel broad and shallow.


garlic clan member embarrassed.png

Home-cooks feel inadequate and embarrassed as they struggle to achieve the “Home Cook Ideal”. This high expectation creates a lack of scratch cooking motivation to avoid

failure and disappointment.


Brits associate excellent home-cooking with “love”, “care” and “nostalgia”.


By redefining excellence in home-cooking as coming from the effort of the cook and not the quality of the food.

garlic clan member excited point.png


garlic clan member excited.png

The campaign focuses on improving home-cooks’ self-esteem whilst giving Very Lazy a constant kitchen presence.


Every home-cook can add love, care and effort therefore, every home-cook makes excellent meals regardless of ability or quality of food. Michelin stands to recognise excellent meals. So, why doesn’t Michelin celebrate domestic cooking? Very Lazy is here to change that. Meanwhile, an Alexa skill has been developed to support cooking mums in the kitchen.


Starry eyes

Michelin mum petition with Joe lycett.

Petition Launch

Joe Lycett begins the petition on national TV. 

1.Laid out scripts for diss _Pagina_1.png

Petition Proposal

12. the award criteria web screen.png

Applying Michelin's current criteria to the home.

Petition PAGE

Help the cause and nominate mums to Michelin.

14. Petition Page.png

Restaurant stunt

Inspired by Oobah Butler, Joe Lycett uses real home-cooked meals to form a restaurant. 

9. landing page stunt.png
trip advisor restaurant stunt.png

Social Content

Primarily using Twitter to support the campaign message.

24. VL Joe Tweet.png
22. VL Tweet 1.png
23. VL Tweet 2.png

Very Lazy Larder

Michelin mum petition with Joe lycett.

Product features

A new skill for smart (speaker) homes.

29. VLL Website screen.png
new cutdown scripts.png

VLL Launch

Film for social and YouTube. 

25. VLL 45 SEC AD SCRIPT.png
new cutdown scripts.png


An opportunity for families to show appreciation for their mums' cooking.

38. Website insta giveaway details.png
new giveaway outcome.png
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new winner announcement.png


Slide show.

Michelin Mums is a dissertation equivalent project, in which the campaign is backed by secondary and primary research, and originates from a self-written brief. If you would like to explore the project in full, please quick the icon below. 


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